Friday 23 March 2012

Missing in Action

I know, I know, Where have I been for the past 5/6 months... well things in my life were getting really hectic and certain things have been put on the back burner, in order to focus on my more "pressing" personal issues, meaning my time for blog writing was virtually non existent.

But now I'm back! and better than ever!  ready to bring my world of shoes back. I can't promise I'll be making consistent posts  for another month, but I promise that I won't be gone for month at a time again

Peace, Love and All that Good Stuff

Monday 10 October 2011

Bourne Susie - Smoke

Sparkly!!!! need I say more.
over here in lovely Canada its Thanksgiving which is the official start to the holiday season, And if doesn't sat Season greetings I don't know what does.

I feel like I could  Stare at my reflection all day in the sequins. and i adore the massive fabric brooch

Peace, Love and All that good stuff,

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Penny Loves Kenny Malha - Grey

So My Birthday is coming up and I want These!!!!
How do you beat Silver, Cap Toe, Suede, T-bar stap, Platform heels with a HUGE bow!!!!
No, I don't think you can! If anyone can get me these for my birthday I will love you forever

now I'm going to stop writing so I can stare a them

I <3 Bow!! especially 3 layered ones!!

Peace, Love, and all That Good Stuff

Aldo Purple Bouch

 I cannot Think of  Better shoe combination then jewels, feathers, and purple
These are defiantly shoes made for painting the town red, or purple in this case.  The suede uppers, and sliver heels add that extra bit of piazza!! I am making it a mission to get these shoes in my posssesion, 

if you feel then need to get them too there hurry up and get to Aldo jusr leave a pair of size 9's for me !!

Peace, Love, and all that Good Stuff

Friday 23 September 2011

New Look Pink Bow Wedges

Okay its official I have a weakness for wedges, especially high ones. and these ones from new look are on the top of the list! and the fact that their pink gives them bonus points but of course I have to be the bearer of  bad news and tell you the the shoe are no long available for purchase on the new look website. I am  searching eBay as we speak.

Saturday 17 September 2011

Dorothy Perkins Mink/ Black Lace

my two favourite things in a shoe, nothing beas lace and big bows!! and dorothy perkins, has found a  perfect way to combined them. I especally love the extra pleating on the bow!!
I told you Dorothy Perkins is seriously trying to kill me, or a the very least, they will be the cause of my going broke.

Peace Love and all that Good Stuff

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Dorothy Perkins Nude Cossover Platforms

I like these shoe....I'm just not sure why. I can't place my finger on a real reason to give, but then again who said I needed to have a valid reason to like a pair of shoes. Maybe if I stare at them long enough I'll find a reason...

Or better yet I should buy them and walk around in them for a while, maybe even run a couple errand, and go out to dinner in them, Im sure that that will give me the prefect reason to be in love with these shoes. Yes! I like the sound of that idea, time to get on that.

Peace, Love and  all that Good Stuff